GSA International Travel Grant

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The Geological Society of America announces this International Travel Grant program to attend GSA Connects in Anaheim, California, 22-25 September, 2024. This program is designed for graduate students and early career scientists (those within 5 years of receiving their terminal degree), though professionals (>5 years after receiving their terminal degree) may also apply.

The application deadline is 8 March 2024. Your complete application will consist of:

1. An online resume/application.
2. A cover letter including the following five elements:

  • Your full name and email address.
  • The abstract title, list of authors, and draft abstract text. You must be the first author on the abstract. The body of the abstract cannot exceed 2000 characters, not counting spaces.
  • A brief introductory paragraph explaining why you are interested in presenting at 2024 Connects.
  • Your statement of financial need, a prioritized budget, and potential sources of funding you could secure to travel to 2024 Connects.
  • Your reference's full name, position, affiliation, and email address.

All elements in the bulleted list above need to be included in the letter. If any element is missing, your application will not be considered.

Applicants will be chosen by a committee who will strongly consider all the above elements in their selection. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
